Free Plan can be "purchased" over and over again

I have a free plan for people to do a proper test run but still collect the email adress.
The problem ist when they click upgrade they can select the plan they are already at again and again and again and then ramp up their credits indefintley for 0 money.

It should not be possible to select any plan you are already at again and in general. There should be an option if not the default setting to have only one active subscription, not several under one account.
Only exception should be the One time payment - OTP should be allowed to be selected at the same time as a subscription…
but if that makes it hard it would be better to have only either or in one transaction… if the customer wants subscription + One time payment he can make two transactions - but that would probably rather be the exception… and having two different subscriptions active at the same time makes very little sense for me especially both under the same account.

Recording of the issue:


I think they are investigating this issue. I also reported it here User able to use more than allocated credits by plan - #3 by hurmuli

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Do the paid plans work for you without any problem? This is the smallest problem I encountered! :slight_smile: One Time payment doesn´t work at all… because “you need to select a suscription”. :slight_smile: And when somebody pay for a subscription they get redirected to “access restricted” page and I have to assign the new plan manually… so would be great to know if that works for you! :slight_smile:

Hi @stephenasuncion check this out :eyes:

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Hi @easydeutsch,

This one should be fixed, thank you!

Regarding one-time payments, can you please elaborate on “you need to select a suscription” part.

Edit: Found your other post, taking a look!