Get clarification on PRIVACY and SHARE settings

I am pretty confused by the various privacy settings at the individual Pickaxe level and the Studio level. Can anyone clarify?

Basically, I want to

  1. create PAs that I can see and I can share with my users. (I don’t want them to be publicly available or searchable).
  2. I do want to be able to clone them for my own use (although I would suggest that the owner should be able to copy a pickaxe within their account without having to turn this setting on).
  3. I am adding the PAs to a studio. I have set this to be Invite-Only (free).
  4. I have about 1000 users - can I clone a studio to get them access to another studio? Or do I have rebuild that list each time and have them go through the invite process each time?
  5. If I want to give my users access to a specific PickAxe (embedding that on a course page, for example), how do I that in a controlled without using a studio?

Thanks for any guidance.

Great questions! Yes, the answers would help me too!

No fear! This will get MUCH simpler with the new redesign which focuses a lot on this. It will be rolled out on a limited basis starting this week, rolled out to the entire platform in the following weeks.

In the meantime, here are some answers to your questions.

1 - Set your Pickaxe to unlisted. It will be usable to anyone with the link, but not indexed in our search.
2 - Turn on the cloneable toggle. This will allow you to clone the Pickaxe.
3 - Pickaxe privacy settings dont matter once you put them in a studio. Anything in a studio is overwritten by the Studio privacy settings.
4 - If you clone a studio, you DO NOT clone the users in it.
5 - Just embed the studio! You can then set an embedded usage limit that only applies to embedded instances of the Pickaxe.

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