How to chain prompts?

I want my users to upload a document, and then the AI analyzes the document. An example might be a screenplay. I want the AI to sequentially answer a set of a questions about the document, each answer being moderately detailed. eg: “please identify the main characters”, “please discuss the pacing of the script” - there might be 10 or more of these questions and I want the output to be provided as a narrative for the user. Is this possible with Pickaxe? I can see how you implement individual prompts, but I can’t see how to stack them.

You cannot stack prompts in the way you are describing. You can, however, with a chatbot create a flow of conversation steps with instructions to ‘first do this, then do this, etc.’.

I would recommend playing around in the no-code chatbot builder. You’ll probably be ever to build what you’re trying to do.