Meta data...please help!

I just realized the hero page image is the only thing showing on my meta-data how can I change the meta data, add tags, and make it the actual image of the website? :point_right:

Hi @growwithbre can you send screenshots or a screen recording of your issue? It will help with diagnosis.

Hi Ned,

Thank you for reaching out!

Here’s a screenshot of the issue I’m encountering. I hope this helps with the diagnosis.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.


This is one for the dev team. @nathaniel @dev_vlad Check this out :eyes:

Any updates on the the Hero image?

Hello, I’d love to get a response on this one. Thank you!

If you want to change the image that shows up in the link preview (like when you text someone a link) you should change your hero image. The link preview automatically uses whatever image you use as the hero image on the landing page.

The issue is that I used the text within Pickaxe so if I change the image to include the text… it will be text on top of text.

I’m not sure I follow entirely. Are you saying that your landing page uses a Hero image that has text on it, but then this same hero image then messes up your link preview and makes it look bad?