Pickaxe Office Hours Happening Now (11am - 12pm PST) - Drop by!

We are having an office hours (again) today, January 2, from 11:00am PST to 12:00pm PST.

Drop by, ask questions, or just hang out. It’s just a big video call.

You can the join office hours here.


How often are office hours and when?

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We are thinking of doing them weekly on Thursday. Though we did skip the holiday week today. We’ll keep you updated!

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It would be great to have a recurrence meeting we can add to our agendas!

We’re going to try to do them every Thursday from 11am-12pm PST. Happening now!

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Office hours happening again from 11am-12pm PST! Drop by!

Office hours happening again from 11am-12pm PST! Drop by!

Office hours happening again from 11am-12pm PST! Drop by!

Office hours happening again from 11am-12pm PST! Drop by!