Purchasing Pickaxes

Is there a storefront to buy pickaxes from the community?

You can use this: Search | Pickaxe .

Out of curiosity, in what sense do you want to ‘buy’ a pickaxe? You want to clone it to offer to people? Or you want use it as an end-user?

I have not been able to successfully make pickaxes, I’m struggling with the software. Before I signed it, I read there was a community page where you could view, clone, and purchase other people’s projects (perhaps I misunderstood but I have not seen this community page. I want to acquire functioning pickaxes however that is possible to figure out how to better build out my own ideas.

Whatever he meant, this seems like a good idea lol

Ah there is not a place to ‘buy’ pickaxes really. However, there is a search page which lists all publicly listed Pickaxes. Any Pickaxe there with a blue forking arrow symbol can be cloned. Just click on the blue arrow. If the symbol is semi-transparent then it is not cloneable.

When you click the “clone” button it will take you into the builder with the specs for that Pickaxe completely filled out. You can customize it or just click Continue and build it.

I have included a screnshot of the search page which points out the button for you.

Thanks for the assist

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