Pickaxe Marketplace

I’d like to suggest a Marketplace for all the stores.

That’s it. Just a Marketplace.

I’m watching this feature request thread with interest :eyes:


Great idea! A marketplace featuring Plugins/add-ons to Pickaxes/studios could be very useful and expand use-cases!

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Not something I’m interested. I expect to get features as part of the service since I have already paid for them and we are using a SaaS so anything Pickaxe creates should be included in the platform.

Secondly if its a feature in Pickaxe I expect it to be something I can easily create or add to my Pickaxe myself with out paying extra to someone else.

Thirdly Pickaxe already taking 10% of our sales so why would I pay more on top of $/month? This would mean I pay a monthly fee + 10% + API and now I am expected to pay for “extra features” that should be part of the SaaS platform? Not sure who thought this would be a good idea business wise. Anyone with a company knows that all businesses want to minimize their costs.

All in all not a good idea and would instantly make most users jump the ship sinking the platform.

I think it’s not clear what sort of marketplace Aidan is suggesting. If he’s suggesting a sort of place to find any and all public Pickaxe Studios, this is a key element in the discoverability for the realm of AI that I’m personally excited to see come about.

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I think there already is a page for this - Search | Pickaxe

I like that idea! It would be a great asset for learning.

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That’s only a small selection of the public studios though.

Agreed! Also, it’s a great way for creators to create new templates and share them or sell them to other creators.

Everyone, if you like this feature, click the “Vote” button at the top left of the page next to the threat title!

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I suggest adding an embeddable marketplace feature that creators can use to showcase their pickaxes directly on their websites. This would be incredibly useful for agencies, coaches, and course creators. The marketplace could be fully customizable on the Pickaxe platform like studios.


great suggestion :heart:
or at least a way of exporting a csv of its pickaxes list

Yep. That’s exactly what I was suggesting. A central place for all the Studios for buyers to look at and shop.

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I never thought of a marketplace in that way, but I like that idea.


What if a user could purchase a pickaxe from the marketplace and add it to their personal or micro SaaS studio immediately! :muscle:

It is not a marletplace, just a collection of pickaxes - many of which are not shared.

We are debating whether that is a good idea. To allow people to buy Pickaxes made by others to resell. We are leaning towards ‘no’.

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