Request for Policy Integration Options in Studio Platform

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to express a significant concern regarding the current limitations in our ability to add Privacy Policies and Terms of Use directly within the Studio platform. As an operator of an online shop that utilizes your platform, it is crucial for us to adequately inform users and comply with legal requirements by displaying our policies directly on the platform without relying on third-party solutions.

While I understand that workarounds, such as linking to external pages, have been suggested, these do not fully meet our needs or the expectations of transparency and compliance required by many users and regulatory bodies.

Therefore, I kindly request the following:

  1. A detailed explanation on whether there are plans to implement features that would allow us to incorporate our legal policies directly within the Studio platform.
  2. An expected timeline for the potential rollout of such features.
  3. Information on existing or upcoming mechanisms to help us manage these essential integrations more effectively.

Providing these options would not only enhance the usability of the Studio platform but also equip users with the necessary tools to uphold legal standards, improving trust and satisfaction amongst our customers.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and any insights you can provide regarding the direction of these necessary updates.

Warm Regards


Just asked the same question including few others but haven’t got an answer from the devs yet. Hopefully this is done sooner than later since we are really falling behind here and it is making impossible to publish Studios or move forward with out being able to comply with different laws (mainly GDPR) etc.

A timeline would be nice as well since it would give us more information when to expect these things.

Also more robust Studio page editor would be nice or the ability to simply move all of the studio stuff in to WordPress since it pretty much already has all the editor functionality so all we would need is the GPT functionality on top of it.