Understanding best use case for Pickaxe as a newbie

Hi, I have just bought pickaxe as I was about to buy a chatbot from elsewhere. I am diving straight in and didn’t want to wait to buy before asking these questions so I do hope you can do what I desire?!

I want to use this first pickaxe as a customer service chatbot inside of my community to answer questions clients have on my courses.

I have a few questions on this:

  1. I assume it’s a ‘closed’ system which means it doesn’t train Chat GPT? Is that right?

  2. I will load up all my information which is pdf’s & videos into the chatbot.
    a) I want the customer to be able to more easily find stuff by asking the bot questions and the bot can then say - watch lesson 1.3… I assume I need the transcripts for this to work?
    b) can it also look at comments generated inside of my community or do I need to feed that into the chatbot periodically?

  3. I also want to have a chatbot trained on my methodology so clients can ask it questions and it can coach them to create what they need to create with my help via my materials. Is this a completely different chatbot, or could the customer service chatbot also do this?

  4. If I give my clients access to the customer service chatbot what happens with usage for tokens etc? I need to be mindful that when I add this on as a value add service they don’t suck all of my tokens with searches and questions. How best can I manage this? How does it work?

  5. Can I toggle between ai models? For example, I assume using 4o is overkill for what I want to do and something like Claude or 3.5 might be good enough?

  6. Are you able to translate into different languages. the other chatbot I looked at has 95 languages available… not a deal breaker but nice to know if it’s available at some stage.



Hello and welcome to Pickaxe! Glad to hear your enthusiastic. Here are some answers to your question

  1. Closed System:
    Pickaxe does not train the underlying AI models like ChatGPT. It serves as a platform for you to deploy your AI tools, which can interact with users based on the information you provide. If you are wondering whether your data is sent back to OpenAi to train the models or something like that, the answer is No. Data is sent to OpenAI via API with a 30-day deletion guarantee.

  2. Uploading PDFs & Videos):
    Yes you are correct. You need to upload all the information. And you should label explicitly which information is in which module of which course. If your video are on youtube then our system can pull the transcripts just through the video URL if you enter it into the knowledge base.

  3. Methodology-Based Chatbot:
    You can create two different chatbots. One for navigating your content/course. Another that actually offers some consulting via your methodology. Both are very popular use cases on Pickaxe that many customers have success with.

  4. Managing Usage and Tokens:
    You can set usage limits on embedded tools. These usage limits set a limit to the number of times an individual can use the tool. When they exceed the limit they will not be able to use it anymore. If you deploy your tools through a studio, you can also set usage limits there associated with different tiers.

  5. Toggling Between AI Models:
    Yes, you can choose between different AI models. Pickaxe is model agnostic. Inside the builder there is a dropdown menu to select the model you want to use.

  6. Translation Capabilities:
    The underlying LLMs (OpenAI, Mistral, etc.) are very good at most languages. You can write the prompt in any language, or you can give it instructions to respond in any language. It should work.

Thanks Mike!

I cannot get my chatbot to embed inside of Kajabi communities and they have their own chatbot they sell. It looks like they have ‘custom pages’ where I can add on my chatbot there… but it only allows a link… I will figure this out but so far I can only get it to work if I make my pickaxe into a studio rather than try and embed normal URL or the iframe code. This is rather annoying as I wanted the chatbot to have floating icon so people can click that to ask questions.

It appears I might be able to add a chatbot within the courses. I will try and deploy one for each of my courses and then cross sell (aka, if they ask a question that is answered in another course, I can cross sell to that course, although most of my courses are sold as bundles. I don’t want to make this unnecessarily complicated).

I love the idea of 2 chatbots, one for the course only and one for deeper support! I could even have this as a lead magnet with some free uses.

What does a usage limit look like? Is it how many questions they ask or how many days they use the chatbot?

For labelling course modules, you mentioned, “you should label explicitly which information is in which module of which course”. How best can I do that? Because when I tried to label the filename it only loaded the first character (ex; 1. marketing messages) it shows 1. Do I need to do that within the actual file or naming the file, or both? I tried to make it one word (ex; 1marketing…) but it still didn’t work.

If anyone has an examples of the use case for creating the LinkedIn posts and webinars I would be keen to see those. Thanks

Embedding AI Chatbots on Kajabi
Several customers do embed AI chatbots into their Kajabi courses via iframes. I haven’t done it personally, but it’s a somewhat common use case.

Setting Usage Limits on AI Chatbots
You can set usage limits for embedded chatbot within the control panel of the tool (click on the tool in your dashboard to access this page). I have included a screenshot of the palce where you set this limit. It’s called “Prompt runs per use”. These usage limits use IP address to keep track of specific people. Users are limited by IP address.

These uses correspond to each time the AI generates a response. It is not conversations or days.

Thanks Mike, I can’t see how to embed on a Kajabi community, my pickaxe would be placed there as a chargeable service, and uses my IP to give them answers to their questions (clone of me!).

I seem to have found a way to create a custom page but when it loads this happens. the login box remains and you can’t use the bot at all. The login box appears to be blocking it… I tried logging in again but it appears to be on a loop.

Ah, it looks like you’re trying to embed an entire studio, rather than a single chatbot.

You cannot embed entire studio (you can, but it won’t work very well). You can embed a single chatbot without any problems though.

To do this,

  • go to a chatbot’s control panel page
  • Click on “deploy”
  • Choose the “Embed” option
  • Then copy the iframe code there.

Here is a writeup on how to embed AI chatbots in a website.

Thanks Mike for the suggestions. I already tried that. :frowning:

There is no place to add any code to a community section in Kajabi. Only the option to add a url. They sell their own chatbots but it looks like they only work on their ‘courses pages’ which are website pages, not inside of community pages.

I can create a landing page which I can then add to my community as a custom tab, so this could be a workaround. Not ideal though.

I already have a chatbot, but it appears on every website page. It’s inside of the header page script on the main website settings.

I have removed the current chatbot code from the header page scripts on the main website settings and tried adding on this to each page I want the chatbot available on but it isn’t working.

Do you know what the other kajabi users did? thanks

Hi Minnie, it looks like this Kajabi help article explains how to add embed code to a Kajabi course.