Web browsing disappeared?

Has the web browsing capability on/off button disappeared? I’ve noticed a change in the user interface, and can’t seem to find it now

It is now in the act tab as an action called Google Search.

How does one use the new action to query a specific web site? I was playing around with this during a hackathon this weekend to mixed results.

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You cannot do that… but that was never possible. The web browsing always used google, so the actual behavior hasn’t changed, just the label.

So we need to include it as an action? Is that instead of just toggling the switch on/off as it was before?

Yes, you need to use it as an action. Secretly, web-browsing was always was an action. When you toggled it in, you were just connecting an Action. :slight_smile:

So it should behave no differently than before. And actually, now you can configure it to behave a little differently if you’d like.


Ok thanks! That makes sense