Announcement: Success Pages in Studios (great for ad-tracking)

We’ve added a success page that all end-users of a studio are redirected to after a successful purchase of a studio product. This is a small feature but important for understanding the end-user flow and setting up ad-tracking.

The success page can be found nuder Pages>Utility.

The actual page itself is fairly simple. It will automatically translate to whatever you set as the studio language. On this success page you can:

  • Customize where the CTA button goes to
  • Insert Ad tracking code
  • Create different pages for different tiers.

If you have questions or comments, please them below.


Hi, I don’t see this in my instance of Pickaxe. How can I add this? Thanks

The Confirmation page is found in the Studio Manager under Pages>Confirmation Page

Then you have to click the pencil icon to go to the screen where you can edit the confirmation page and enter tracking code.

Thank you for this! Will be a big win with my paid efforts

I can’t find the Confimation page and pricing page in my studio menu util.

In order for the confirmation page tab to display, you’ll first need to connect your Stripe account and enable monetization for your Studio. Once your Stripe account is connected and monetization is turned on and you’ve set up some tiers/products, the confirmation page will automatically be set up. Then you can you’ll see it and be able to edit it.

Got the paid ones, but where can i find the confirmation page for the free/basic tier signup?

The confirmation page is useful for the user that select a payment plan, but it would be useful a welcome message for “registered user” with free plan.

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