When trying to change from subscription to one time payment, the following error occurs:
Repeated error message
“You must delete all paid tiers before changing the payment type.”
This occurs even when all paid tiers are deleted.
Would @nathaniel or the team be able to help?
That’s probably because the pre-configured payment tiers are set to monthly subscription mode. Currently, you can set your studio to either accept Monthly or One-time payment mode, not both. If you delete the monthly tiers, you should then be able to set up a One Time payment tier.
Update - For anyone struggling with the same issue, I did manage to get this working, but it seemed buggy. Had to log in and out a few times and keep attempting to remove my paid tiers before eventually managing to remove, save and then switch from monthly to one-off.
I did remove my monthly products from Stripe, and once I switched to one-off a new product was correctly created in Stripe automatically.
This process will be much simpler following our upcoming mid-January update.
Can you share a link to your studio? We’ll give it a look.
ned is very right in his breakdown of the system. You might still have a paid tier you need to delete.
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