I am preparing to sell a few embedded pickaxes. However, the clients need their own access to be able to put knowledge docs.
How can I provide a separate access please ?
I am preparing to sell a few embedded pickaxes. However, the clients need their own access to be able to put knowledge docs.
How can I provide a separate access please ?
Can you explain in more detail what you mean by ‘client access’?
Do you need a login system? If so, you can put your Pickaxes into a studio which has a basic login and user management system. If you want to use embeds, you’ll have to create your own login system.
If you want the user to put in their own documents, you can enable end-user file upload on the Pickaxes. This allows users to upload a document into a Pickaxe that stays there for the duration of the chat.
I sell pickaxe chatbots which are embedded in client websites.
The clients want to be able to access the prompt and knowledge base to modify it.
These are on the pickaxe website and I would like to give them aceess to this particular pickaxe only.
Ah, I understand. You cannot currently do that in Pickaxe. You will be able to do this in Pickaxe after our upcoming redesign, which will be rolled out on a limited basis this week.
Can I be part of those who get this access please ?
You can email me at info@pickaxeproject.com. We are only letting in very select users at first.