Collecting emails


I am trying to create a Free Tier with a higher number of generations/month but in exchange for leaving their email.

On Appsumo, they told me in the questions section that I could achieve this by setting the price of the Tier to 0 USD.

However, when I write 0, it forces me to put 1 USD and automatically changes it to 1 USD. I haven’t found a way to set the price to 0.

Thank you!!

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You should definitely be able to create a tier that has Price “free” and requires an email. This is called a ‘free member tier’ usually.

Go to the Access tab of your Studio. If you don’t already see a free member tier, click + Add a tier. You should see an option to add a free member tier.

Here is a screenshot of the page.

If you don’t see that, could you please take a screenshot of the page and post it here for me?

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Thank you for the response.

Yes, I already did that, but that’s not really my problem.

I want to have 3 tiers:

  • Free WITHOUT registration: 5 generations per month.
  • Free WITH email registration: 100 generations per month.
  • Unlimited: 5 USD/month

The problem I’m facing:

1- I can’t indicate that TIER 2 requires email registration.
2- I can’t make TIER 1 not require email registration.

Thank you!

You should be able to do that. If you look at my screenshot (attached again)

The Guest Tier is free and requires no email registration. Users are tracked by IP address and do not need to login.

Clicking Add a Free Member tier will add free tier that requires email registration to use.

The Paid Tier #1 is just a normal paid tier. Paying requires registering with an email.

If you’re unable to set this up, could you send me a screenshot? I can help you troubleshoot the issue.

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Similar issues here. I don’t have the option to “Add a Free Member Tier” or “Add a Paid Tier”. When I click “Add a Tier”, it just creates a new Tier box with an option to select a price (cannot set a price of $0).

Huh, that’s strange. What happens when you click “+ Add a tier”? Could you screenshot that?

Yes, the screenshot is above. Here is a GIF showing it