How to change currency of prices in Studio

Many of you have been asking about how to display prices in different currencies besides US dollars. We’ve made some improvements to the system which now makes this possible. I wanted to do a writeup on how exactly to do this.

To change the currency of your Studio tiers, first you need to change it in Stripe.

  • Log into your Stripe account

  • Go into your Products or Product Catalog. This should show a list of all the paid tiers you offer in your studio.

  • Click on the “…” icon next to a specific product and then select Edit Price from the dropdown. Importantly you can only change this if no one has purchased it yet

  • Now you can edit the currency of that product to other currencies, like Euros.

  • Once you’ve saved the new price, your studio should automatically reflect the new prices, including the currency symbol.

For your convenience, here are some screenshots of the process within Stripe.


Importantly, you can only change prices for Studio Tiers that no one has ever bought or even tried to buy. Weirdly, if someone has clicked on your tier and generated the stripe checkout page for it, you cannot change the currency. So only do it with new tiers. If you find yourself unable to edit a tier, try deleting it and adding a new one.