How to force ChatGPT to show and link uploaded PDF sources?

Hello, I’ve uploaded a bunch of documents to my chatbot. These are the only sources I want my bot to pull from. It is important to me and my use case that citations/sources are shown and easily accessible.

When using prompts such as “Make sure to cite results using [number] notation after the reference” or “Please provide citations”, it will generate a hyperlink behind it’s answer. Upon clicking said link, it does not load to the appropriate source document, instead it just opens back to the Pickaxe homepage. Is there any way to allow those source documents to be accessible/open to the correct relevant page once someone clicks that hyperlink to explore the source document? Many thanks!

I’d also be okay with it citing my the Source Document name,chapter,page. Chat GPT cant seem to do that in turbo. Does anyone else have experience with other models and if that might work?Thank you.

Edit: I’m using Chat GPT-4-turbo.

Currently, Pickaxe does not support end-user citations. We only have citations inside the builder through our message insights feature that shows you which documents answers are pulled form.