How to make an FAQ bot based on your documents + knowledge

We just recorded an informative tutorial video about how to create a Pickaxe chatbot that serves as an FAQ bot for your business/website. We go over some best practices that I will include here as well. This is the process I used to create our Pickaxe Doorman who regularly fields dozens of customers everyday.

The process bakes down into three elements

  • Write a simple prompt that describes how you want the chatbot to behave. Gradually complicate it with extra sections and exceptions such as “If you don’t know the answer to a question, tell them to email

  • Add documents & webpages that represent your company’s knowledge. Be careful not to add bad or out-of-date information.

  • Gradually build a ‘Known Answer’ Directory out of question/answer pairs that it didn’t get right before.

For anyone trying to build an FAQ bot (a somewhat common use-case), I recommend checking out this video.


This is a good place to hide company Easter eggs as well — just make sure whatever you want to include is approved by the folks who can do something about if they don’t like the joke.

In the original version of the Pickaxe doorman there was a hidden discount code for those adventurous enough to find it.

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Can I use an excel file instead of a word file for the FAQ list? If so, what do I name the column headers, Question and Answer I assume?

Yes you can use a spreadsheet. Here’s a post that explains how spreadsheet files are handled.

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