I have changed the main image on many of my pickaxes, saved the edits and deployed the changes but they are not showing. I have tried reloading, opening as a visitor on a different browser and still nothing…
We’re not seeing any problems with this system on our end. Sometimes it can take up to an hour to propagate everywhere depending on what browser you’re using because of caching. If this is still a problem let us know via email!
If you want to the change the image of a Pickaxe that is in a studio, then you must change it in the studio. I’ll explain a little more.
Once you put a Pickaxe into a Studio, the user interface visual parts become de-coupled from the underlying Pickaxe. The reason is because many users re-use the same Pickaxe across several studios, but with slightly different names, images, descriptions, etc.
If you update the Pickaxe prompt, Knowledge base documents, settings, etc.-- all those functional changes will be reflected in Studio Pickaxes. But if you update the cover image, it won’t update. You need to do that in the Studio itself.
Thanks Mike!
I see that when you edit it in the studio – you must choose a pic from your own files? Not Pickaxe’s
Another question – how do I set it so people using my Pickaxe must submit an email regardless of free or paid?
I set up my own domain now but appears to still be using your credits so guess it is still tied to you? https://studio.path2lovemastery.com
A little confused…
You should get rid of the Guest tier. The Guest Tier allows people to use your Studio without logging in. And then add a Member Tier. The Member Tier requires people to create accounts (i.e. give you an email) to use your tool.
You should check out this Studio walkthrough video.
Thanks for this Mike!
I was trying to find the Pickaxe Marketplace for examples to look at and cannot find it?
Also how would you best suggest I use this as a lead magnet embedded on my website? Thinking of choosing one but need to collect an email in order for it to actually be a lead magnet?
I also did a test subscribe to the free member tier and it took 2 credits off my 50 before I even started? I had just completed signup?
Are you sure? Did you use the tool at all? That should not happen.
If you share the URL of the Studio I will sign up and try it myself as well.
Nope definitely showed this right after sign-up.
Love you to test it to see if it happens for you too:
And love to have the link for the Marketplace to see other Pickaxes? Cannot find it.
I signed up and see 50 credits (see screenshot). Are you sure you didn’t do anything before those 2 credits were spent?
There’s not a dedicated Pickaxe marketplace at the moment. Everything is just on the search page.
Hi Mike,
For some reason when I head to my main dashboard login it says I no longer have any pickaxe’s?
I can still see them if I go to the indiv studios?
Not sure what is happening? Want to be able to see my main account with all of them?
Hi @p2l,
Try relogging in, thanks!
Similar issue. I am updating the number of words per input, but it does not save once you publish.
Are you experiencing this issue on the Forms?
That is correct, I am experiencing this on the Forms.
Are these for multiple choices inputs? short answer inputs? If you send me the url to the form I can take a look.
It appears to be working now.