Incomplete and jagged outputs from GPt 4o mini

I use my Pickaxes for educational purposes. Multiple students in my class today encountered incomplete responses where the word ‘the’ started repeating incessantly. Almost 4 people got the exact same error. It was quite embarrassing. Here are a few screenshots:

All 4 people had either the words ‘the’ or ‘not’ starting to repeat in the output. It was very strange.

Link to the pickaze:

Link to the studio:

Request you to please look into this.

I believe the issue is likely that you have repetition knob set to a negative number. Be very careful with setting this toggle anywhere below zero.

I would recommend going into Advanced Options>Variance and seeing whether “reptition” is below “0”. I have included a screenshot of the setting for your reference.

Let me know if that ends up being the solution.