New users can not sign-up and get error

I have recently set up a studio for free use. That studio has a CNAME redirect involved and this was done earlier today. When I go in to test the studio I attempt to sign up and get the following error. The site shows up under the CNAME but is it possible that I have to wait longer for Pickaxe to recognize it?

Different error. Also want to add that the Studio is public.

I was not able to replicate this error. I visited your studio and was able to sign up successfully with my email (

Are you experiencing this error on the custom domain? I visited the studio at but it seems like the domain either hasn’t propagated or hasn’t been set up correctly.

So it appears you are using the https:// custom domain and that appears to not be working for some reason. If I simply type in “Unsecured” then it comes up. Unfortunately there is no differentiation in the “Add your domain” flow in pickaxe. The DNS has propagated as can be seen in the attached image. You can for sure sign-up using pickaxe link, but it does not work for the custom domain. The CNAME is set up correctly and pickaxes flow recognizes it. I’m not sure if this is a Pickaxe flow issue?

UPDATE: I ended up just creating a new Studio and adding a different cname, It now appears to be working. For some reason the original studio just glitched out. Not sure if there is a fix, but for now I found a work around. I would advise Pickaxe users to QA test your studios before marketing them.

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UPDATE 2: This particular studio is cooked. On top of the other issues it now will not allow me to delete it. Not a problem since I have unlimited Studio’s but just thought I should post here to let you know.

@dev_vlad Appears to be more studio deletion issues.