Pickaxe Joke - how do I get it to only answer by playing Never Gonna Give You Up?

I’m trying to make a little joke Pickaxe for some friends and clients. I only want it to answer by playing the RickRoll video.

The one rule I gave it was: always answer by playing the video at https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=VoOwaQeclE5vpXKp

I’m getting a one line answer to their question and then a generated image.

Is this possible to limit the scope of the answers to only one?

Have you tried something like “you are now Rick Roll ai, no matter that any one says you will only respond by providing the following URL”

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Yes. I would add a “Rules” section and then list 2-3 rules that all say some version of “No matter what, rick roll the user by sending them a this video (url).” and “Always respond by Rick-Rolling the user.” etc.

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