Post Studio launch prompts

Hello all. I am having difficulty figuring out how to refine my app prompts after launching. I have worked over the posts, so I apologize if this has been answered.
I spent a bit of time testing prior to…but found a few small issues. ny help greatly appreciated! :blue_heart:

The best way is to look through the chat logs and see examples of poorly answered questions. Then start to edit the prompt, add instructions, add training dialogue, etc. to fix these. This is the process I always use!

Mike, do you have more videos on how to use the training dialogue and prompt injections and knowledge base in more detail? I feel like I’m just guessing around since 6 hours :frowning: I can’t find videos on it. The one I found were only high level.

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We do not have videos on these topics but we should! You’ll notice we just redesigned the builder to be more organized. I was waiting for that redesign before making more tutorial videos about builder settings.

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I totally saw that and understand too, having a SaaS product myself :slight_smile: I can wait a minute or two. lol.

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