Produce all output in one go

Is it possible to offer an alternative produce all output in one go instead of writing the text. I got feedbacks from clients that it is too chatgpt. They prefer something that resemble native apps instead of another chatbot or chat gpt. Please consider

Can you explain a little more?

Instead of chatbots, we also have Form-based Pickaxes. This allows users to fill out text-fields and multiple choice buttons, then hit Submit, and have the AI generate produce one single output. It is an alternative to the back-and-forth format of a chatbot.

sorry for the confusion. I mean the output graphic. Instead of typing like what chatgpt does, showing all completed words at once might be appealing like a native apps. Pickaxe studio is successful in making itself not look like a ordinary chatbot like many of your competitors did. Offering option to produce all output at once instead the typing motion will give the native apps vibes that help to different pickaxes from other bots. It also helps your user to sell better, more appealing and we will eventually invest back into your company so that you can develop better tools.

Ah, yes I understand. The downside of that is it is way slower. The current system streams the answer-- which means it displays each character the moment its generated. This allows us to start showing answers before they are done being generated.

We actually used to have a toggle to turn on/off text-streaming in the early days of Pickaxe. But we removed it. Unfortunately, I don’t think we will bring it back. It’s a speed issue.

yeah I understand the downside as it has to wait for all the text to appear but what if, for some use cases, where the text output has been set to smaller output like 50 words etc especially for forms, the off-text streaming would be appealing with no speed issue as it doesn’t wait long for fewer characters to finish generating. Offering it as on/off option would enhance usability and functionality for pickaxes in some use cases when the “native app”" vibe is preferred. Just my suggestion. I showed pickaxes to many of my clients. These are the feedback I got.

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We’ll definitely consider it. Especially because it is how the system used to work. Though I don’t expect it’s a change we’ll make until we improve speed to be super fast which is something we’re working on.