Wildfire Insurance Policy AI Analysis Tool

One of our customers has built a Pickaxe dedicated to reading insurance policies and helping people figure out what their insurance covers, what exceptions it outlines, and how to prepare their claims. With a special emphasis on fire coverage.

We wanted to share it with the community here and help bring it attention to anyone in Los Angeles who might be experiencing insurance headaches. As you may or may not know, Pickaxe is located in Los Angeles. Fortunately our team is 100% safe, but all three founders had to evacuate our homes and office at one point. And unfortunately, we know several people whose homes burned or were heavily damaged. We wanted to share this tool for reading and understanding insurance policy’s fire coverage with AI Assistance.

You can check out the Fire Insurance Policy AI tool. Kudos to Patrick for building this tool.


Thanks for the share. Darn shame about what’s happening out there. I hope you all can stay safe!

I like the clarity and simplicity. As with all embedded iframe pickaxe I see the font size is small. It would be great to get some of these style issues fixed. TY

You can actually change the font size of embedded Pickaxes. You can do within the embed customization page.