SEO for each Pickaxe in a studio

It really does not make sense that all tool pages in a studio use a default format for meta tags. With such limited ability to put content on pickaxe pages (ie,.the 1 box) the SEO is bad.

Google is indexing each tool page Google search and all pages and tools have the sale.title. this is a bad practice and will get tool pages deindexed.

Secondly, using the ‘description’ box might work if there was a custom content box.

Here is an example … View the page source… The meta tags are awful and will not pass.

The link above is for a Cleveland Clinic Research bot… But the snippet is just for the homepage, even though the link points to the tool page.

That will cause only 1 page to index properly without errors

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Lol omg even in the preview snippet in my post here the user has ZERO CONTEXT cues that the link in my OP is for a Cleveland Clinic Research Assistant…

Hey dude. Thanks for bringing this up. The studio is a fairly new product so we’re still building it out. The intention is to definitely to build out good SEO. It just hasn’t been our main priority.

@stephenasuncion let’s check out the dude’s post here and see if there is low-hanging fruit we can implement into the studios to help their SEO.

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Hi, wanted to add that OP’s post came true - my page is not being indexed.

Also, appreciate if the team can look into letting us customize the title and description as it shows up on the search listing. Some extent of SEO optimization is critical to me for getting reach.

I believe it pulls from the Pickaxe Name and Studio Description - but can’t figure it out fully.

@stephenasuncion something for us look at as well.

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