Social proof in embedding studies


Hello everyone,

Today I want to share how to integrate a social proof widget in a Pickaxe studio so that users feel more confident and attracted to purchasing a monthly or lifetime subscription in your AI studios. This can help users become more interested in consuming your products.

Part 1
Go to the embed code section within the studio settings and paste the following code.

Social Aprobe Code:

Part 2:
Place this code in the header or footer section, and that’s it! Now all users will be able to see it.

The only drawback I find is that these widgets will also appear when the user is inside the studio using their AI tools. This could be somewhat annoying for them. It would be great if developers added a third section in the embed code settings so this code is displayed only on the landing page.

What do you think? :blush:


This is quite cool. I will link it in the December highlights!


@bruno12345 great idea.

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I’ve been doing something like this but with a feedback widget, it’s been quite nice! I have so many things in the custom code section, it would be nice for some individual page code and stuff like that (like embeds within content pages) Good idea for a buying widget though! Will look into that.